27 Ocak 2023 Cuma

TXT'nin "Farewell, Neverland"i (투모로우바이투게더 - 네버랜드를 떠나며)


Tomorrow X Together (TXT) grubunun bugün çıkan mini albümü The Name Chapter:Temptation'ın son parçasının ismi "Farewell, Neverland".

Şöyle diyor şarkı:

Neverland, my love, I bid you farewell now
And I’m free falling
Stars, sleep with comfort, till I be calling

No matter where I go,
This is no home
Even if I’m afraid, I’m going down
Farewell Neverland, my love

The warmth, the same weather every day
The boy doesn’t grow up,
A kiss from the sun that never sleeps,
Nobody can see the stars

A paradise full of lies,
I wanted to turn a blind eye to it

My very final hiding place,
That’s what I hoped for, endless flying
It’s the end, it’s true

I found out the truth,
That all the things that were beautiful,
were actually not
I’m going to spit out that cruel lie

That irresponsible paradise of dreams,
I’ll bid you my farewell
My Peter Pan

Running above the air
Towards the ground, at full speed
Time to fall, it’s time

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