13 Mart 2015 Cuma

cuma şarkımız Mumford&Sons'ın yeni albümünden hepimize gelsin: Believe

Mumford&Sons içimde yeri ayrı olan gruplardan. Üniversite yıllarımın sonunda tanışmıştım onların müziğiyle de, "The Cave" ile "Little Lion Man" ile yollarda otobüs camlarına gri kaldırımlara karanlık gecelere doğru az haykırıp, az ağlamadım. "Hopeless Wanderer" ile "Holland Road" hala ihtiyacım olduğunu hissettiğimde duvarlarımda yankılanır.

And I'll still believe though there's cracks you'll see,
When I'm on my knees I'll still believe,
And when I've hit the ground, neither lost nor found,
If you believe in me I'll still believe


It's empty in the valley of your heart
The sun, it rises slowly as you walk
Away from all the fears
And all the faults you've left behind


'Cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how
To live my life as it's meant to be

And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck


Weep for yourself, my man,
You'll never be what is in your heart
Weep little lion man,
You're not as brave as you were at the start
Rate yourself and rake yourself,
Take all the courage you have left
Wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head

But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?

'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under
And I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under
The skies I'm under

gibi satırları yazmış, bunları öldüresiye söylemiş çalmış bir gruptan bahsediyorum.

Üstteki "Believe" 4 mayısta gelecek olan yeni albüm "Wilder Mind"dan tam olarak bu diğerleri gibi gelmese de henüz bana, umutluyum, inanmaya devam ediyorum.

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