22 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Moving On

Stefan: I think it's affecting me a lot more than it's affecting her.
Caroline: What do you mean?
Stefan: Every time I tell myself that I'm moving on, there's this part of me that just can't seem to shake her.
Caroline: That's normal, Stefan. You guys were in love. That doesn't go away just because you declare that you're moving on.
Stefan: Then how does anyone ever seem to move on?
Caroline: I don't know. I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love. And you'll have moved on without even realizing it.

[TVD'nin Pictures of You adlı bölümünde Caroline ile Stefan'ın bu ufak muhabbetinde Caroline en basit gerçeği böyle açıkladı; bir gün, yeni biriyle tanışır ona delice aşık olursun ve tüm o içini yakan, beynini tırmalayan şey, sen farkına bile varmadan yok olur gider.
O "someday"in umuduyla, dayanıyoruz.]

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