İstiyorum, gerçekten istiyorum. İnanmak istiyorum.
Ama sonra Eddie'nin sesi geliyor aklımın gerisinden:
Dear Joey, as you know I'm not good at goodbyes. But I guess that's what it is. A real one this time. Because as much as I thought I wanted us to be together, I guess what I want more is to be one of those people who lives every moment of his life without indecision and without regrets. Someone who dares to disturb the universe without a thought to the consequences. And you're not one of those people, at least not yet. Maybe you'll prove me wrong about that one day. I hope you do. But who knows? Maybe people can't change. Maybe we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again no matter how hard we try. I always hope for a happy ending. How crazy is that? Take care of yourself.
Ve ses uzaklaşırken tekrarlıyor "I hope you do...I hope you do..."
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